NGM Slideshow


[PIC] The Violet Suite Hit The Red Carpet!

It's me again, Vitamins!^^ 

I want to share about Nam Gung Min Oppa pics on the red carpet of 2011 MBC Drama Awards. As usual, he got his own style. He wore violet suite with grey shirt and tie. The violet suite so eye catchy. It was because the other actors wore black tuxedo or black suite. That's why, Nam Gung Min Oppa looks so different and I love it...

Source: SSTV)


Nam Gung Min - Hwang Jung Eum for The Best Kiss Scene!

Hello again, Gung Minners!^^

Finally, MBC has revealed the nominees for 2011 MBC Drama Awards on December 21st, 2011. Nam Gung Min Oppa include as a nominee for The Best Scene Awards with Hwang Jung Eum because of their 'hand kiss' on Can You Hear My Heart (Eps. 16).  



Present For You, Gung Minners!^^ (End)

Annyeong haseyo, Gung Minners!^^

As  I promised to you yesterday, I'll give you the end of new year presents (the end part). I've changed the designed 'coz I think it would be better to close up our beloved Nam Gung Min Oppa's face. Are you agree, Gung Minners? Geez, I'm afraid you don't like it, but I've tried my best. I only hope that it would be a nice present from me to you, so you can always love Nam Gung Min Oppa, Gung Minners.  Eventhough still 10 days remaining, I want to say happy new year, Gung Minners!^^


Present For You, Gung Minners!^^ (Part I)

Annyeong, Gung Minners!^^

I'm so sorry didn't posting something quite so long. Now, everything is back to normal, so I decided to give you a little new year present. I'm so sorry, if it's not so good enough, but I hope you all like it. Don't forget to leave a message or give me some pictures when you like it or not, or maybe you have printed it and put it in your favorit place. Hihihihihi... This is the part 1, soon as I finished Part 2, I will posting it here. I hope you like it  as much as I do...^^



Do You Know, Gung Minners?

Annyeonghaseyo, Gung Minners!

How are you, guys? Gosh, long time no see. I hope you still stay tuned here to check the latest news and everything about Nam Gung Min Oppa. Gung Minners, did you know that Nam Gung Min Oppa was listening Metallica and Rage Against The Machine when he was a teenager?

It's so interesting when I found out the facts about Nam Gung Min Oppa. So, today I decided to share fact about Nam Gung Min Oppa to you. I'll take it from many source, such as,, etc. Are you ready, Gung Minners?



[PIC] The One and Only Belong to Nam Gung Min

Hi, Gung Minners!

How's your day going? Today I'm going to share, of course, about Nam Gung Min Oppa. Hihihi... It's because I've found there's a lot of article talked about how Nam Gung Min Oppa looks like the other actor, such as Bae Young Jun, Hyun Bin, Park Shin Yang, Jung Young Hwa aaand Kim Jae Won. So, I decided to share pics about the thing that only belong to Nam Gung Min Oppa; his smile and his laugh.  Trust me, he never failed melting our heart everytime he smiling and laughing (I hope it's not only my opinion...^^). So, does your heart ready to melt, Gung Minners???!^^



Ordinary Looks of Nam Gung Min...

Holaaaaaaaaa, Gung Minners!

La bienvenida a Deciembre! So, here we are on the last month of the year, Gung Minners. What is your wish for this last month? Whatever it is, I hope it will be come true. Now, I want to share some pics of Nam Gung Min Oppa ordinary looks. Are you agree, Gung Minners?

Gue suka sekali berbagi ini dengan kalian, Gung Minners. Postingan kali ini akan menunjukkan style aslinya Oppa. Kalian akan tahu kalau NGM Oppa is just ordinary man. He's a simple person. Benarlah kalau NGM Oppa pernah bilang kalau dunianya yang sebenarnya adalah ketika dia tidak sedang di bawah sorot kamera alias ketika ia menjadi orang biasa. Mungkin kalian terbiasa melihat Oppa kelihatan rapi dengan setelah kemeja dan jas plus dasi. Tapi memang itu tuntutan peran serta kekuatan image karakter yang melekat di diri NGM Oppa. Seperti misalnya beberapa pics yang sering muncul adalah yang seperti ini.



Nam Gung Min: Feel lonely? Just Go To The Movie and Eat Bread!^^

Annyeong haseyo, Gung Minners!

Gue baru saja baca artikel tentang wawancara Nam Gung Min (NGM) Oppa dengan (26/11). Lumayan untuk mengatasi kangen ke NGM Oppa. Dalam wawancara itu, NGM Oppa lebih banyak bercerita tentang perannya dalam "Can You Hear My Heart" dan sedikit cerita tentang kehidupannya. Mau tahu lebih lanjut? Just check out, Gung Minners!^^



The Birth of The Rich Man: A Fresh New Look of Nam Gung Min

Annyeong haseyo, Gung Minners!

How are you today? Gung Minners, setelah gue cek lagi, ternyata gue belum pernah membahas mengenai K-drama or K-movie yang pernah dibintangi Nam Gung Min (NGM) Oppa. Okey then, sebagai bahasan perdana, gue akan me-review tentang "The Birth of The Rich man/Becoming Billionaire" (2010). Siapa yang pernah nonton K-drama ini sebelumnya?



Metamorphosis of Nam Gung Min

Gung Minners!

It's been so long since the last posting. Hihihihihi... Padahal belum seminggu ya? After, i share a bad news last week, now it's time to share about Nam Gung Min Oppa old pictures. Gue punya beberapa pics NGM Oppa dan gue berpikir untuk membuat seperti metamorfosis NGM Oppa. Penampilan Oppa kalau kalian tahu, dari sejak pertama kemunculannnya sebagai pemenang VJ contest, jauh berbeda dengan penampilannya saat ini. Perbedaan penampilan ini sangat terlihat ketika Oppa membintangi 'The Birth of The Rich/Becoming Billionaire" (2010). Pada tahun itu, Oppa juga baru menyelesaikan wajib militernya alias military service. Memang perbedaannya mencolok sekali Gung Minners, he looks thinner. Makanya sempat ada isu kalau Oppa melakukan operasi plastik a.k.a plastic surgery.

Left to Right: As Min Woo (Beautiful Sunday) and as Choo Wook Seon (TBoTR/BB)



Nam Gung Min Got A Sexual Harassment By Fans

Annyeong haseyo, Gung Minners!

I'm so sorry to share this news to you, but you have to know this news, so I hope we all not doing the same thing with the ahjumma in this news which I read from (15/11). Gung Minners, Nam Gung Min Oppa just got a sexual harassment by fans when he attended a bazaar few days ago. He got his chest and hips grabs by an ahjuma (a lady) who attending the same event. It happened when he try to getting closer to his fans, but suddenly, an ahjuma doing that sexual harassment in front of the people who attending that event. Feels so embarassed, Nam Gung Min Oppa doing nothing unless silent and left the place. Did Nam Gung Min Oppa cried like this when he left the event after the accident?



[PIC] What Did NGM Oppa Does Behind The Scene CYHMH?

Annyeong haseyo, Gung Minners!

Kali ini giliran bagi-bagi pics Nam Gung Min Oppa di sela-sela syuting "Can You Hear My Heart". Some of them will make you smile and the others will make you laugh. He's funny when he act just the way he is. Oh, I almost forget, Happy Pepero Day, Gung Minners! Well, enjoy it, Gung Minners!^^

Poor, Oppa. He looks so tired...



NGM's Habits!

We meet again, Gung Minners!

Wuih, gue mau posting hal yang sangat, sangat, sangat gue suka; kebiasaan yang suka dilakukan Nam Gung Min (NGM) Oppa. Awalnya sih karena gue suka cari-cari pic NGM Oppa, lalu gue ketemu beberapa pic yang agak aneh dan lucu. Gue pikir itu jadi semacam kebiasaan (habit) NGM Oppa. Lalu, untuk menguatkan pemikiran gue itu (Sok detektif banget ya, Gung Minners! Hahaha...), gue coba search dari beberapa sumber terutama yang menampilkan interview dengan Oppa. Guess what??! All my thought was right! Yippie! So, thats why I wanna share with you, Gung Minners!^^

First of all, NGM Oppa punya kebiasaan yang kalau menurut gue sih agak sedikit aneh: menggembung-gembungkan pipinya. Just like this...



NGM's Favourite Songs

Annyeong haseyo, Gung Minners!^^

How are you today? Have you hear NGM Oppa sing in 1st Japan Fans Meeting (1/11)? Dalam fans meeting itu, NGM Oppa menyanyikan lagu "Saranghae...Sarang Hal Soo Uhb Seul Man Keum" milik Jung Jae Wook. Siapa yang pernah nonton K-dramanya Oppa, "One Fine Day"? Lagunya Jung Jae Wook yang dinyanyiin Oppa itu jadi salah satu original soundtrack alias OST OFD. Gosh, mianhae, Gung Minners, but I have to said our Oppa really don't have a talent to be a singer. He's so good in modelling and so great as an actor, but not to be a singer. Seriously! I love Oppa as much as you all loved him, but surely he doesn't have a good voice when he's singing (In my opinion...:b). Maybe you guys have different opinion, so please go to Oppa singing and listen carefully when he was sing. Di bagian bawahnya ada tanda 'Play", kalian klik aja. Selamat menikmati suara Oppa! Hihihihihi....



[PIC] NGM's Momjjang

Gung Minners! ^^

Pasti kalian segar deh kalau lihat ini. Gue posting pics ini dari mata cuma 5 watt, langsung terang benderang jadi 25 watt. Hahahahaha... I do love him when he show off his body. So manly! I'm speechless. Just enjoy it, Gung Minners! Eya, yang di bawah 17 tahun, belum boleh lihat lho *ditimpuk Gung Minners*. Wekekekekekek... Enjoy it! Omoooooo, Oppaaaaaa! ^^



NGM's Elle Girl Interview

Annyeong, chingudeul!

How about you satnite? Hopefully it’s a nice Saturday. Gung Minners, are you missed Oppa just like I do? Hihihihi… Mentang-mentang satnite jadi keingetan Oppa aja. Hehehe… It’s not a time for galau. Wekekekek…Mending gue share wawancara NGM  Oppa di Elle Girl (EG) edisi Oktober lalu. Siapa yang sudah baca? Jujur nih, Gung Minners, gue agak nggak suka dengan penampilan Oppa buat photoshoot EG. Mirip banget sama Jung Young Hwa-nya CN Blue. Sumpah, no hurt feeling sama Jung Yong Hwa dongsaeng, hanya saja gue merasa Oppa sebenarnya punya style sendiri, sayang kalau dimiripin terus sama bias lain. Kayanya perlu ngelamar jadi stylishnya Oppa ini. Hihihihihi…^^



NGM's Press Conference at Japan (1/11)

Annyeong, Chingu! ^^

Masih update tentang kunjungan Oppa ke Jepang kemarin nih (1/11). Ada beberapa pic Oppa sedang jumpa pers. Gaya rambutnya Oppa baru, jadi agak lebih pendek. Daaaan, tambah gemuk, tapi teteup ganteeeeeeeeeng. Daebak! Setuju nggak, Gung Minners? ^^



[PIC] NGM Oppa Departured and Arrived for Fansmeet at Japan


CYHMH Fansmeet at Japan: The Sweet and Warm, NGM Oppa

Annyeong haseyo, Chingu!

How are you today? Semoga semenyenangkan hati para fans Nam Gung Min (NGM) Oppa di Jepang sana terutama di Tokyo. Apalagi bagi yang kemarin hadir dalam acara 'Can You Hear My Heart 1st Fans Meeting' di Shibuya Public Hall, Tokyo. Setelah hampir 4 tahun setelah fans meetingnya yang terakhir pada 2007 lalu, NGM Oppa kembali datang ke Jepang untuk mempromosikan K-drama 'Can You Hear My Heart' yang juga dibintangi oleh Kim Jae Won Oppa dan Hwang Jung Eum Eonnie. Acara yang berlangsung selama sejam itu tampaknya berhasil memberi kesan yang mendalam bagi para fans NGM  Oppa. Dalam acara itu, Oppa yang datang sendirian memakai jas biru dengan motif kotak-kotak dipadu dengan kaus dan celana hitam panjang serta jas abu-abu dipadu dengan kemeja putih plus dasi yang senada dengan warna jasnya.




NGM' Fans Meeting at Japan...

Annyeong, chingu... ^^

Who's from you who read this is at Japan now? Tomorrow (1/11), Gung Min Oppa will meet with his fans at Shibuya Public Hall. Is there anyone will come? Ini lho Si Oppa sudah menjejakkan kaki di Narita. Kapan Oppa ke Indonesia ya? *sambil gigit jari*...

NGM Oppa at Narita (Source:



Annyeong Haseyo!

Anneyong haseyo, everyone! 

Are you fans of K-drama or K-Movie? Did you ever watch Can You Hear My Heart (2011), One Fine Day (2006), or Beautiful Sunday (2007)? Did you ever see this gorgeous man?

Or did you ever see this heartrob face in  'Can You Hear My Heart'  (2011) as  Jang Joon Ha and also Bong Ma Roo?

Well, ini blog tentang pemeran dalam k-Drama/k-movie, Nam Gung Min (Nam Goong Min/남궁민). Sebenarnya, gue orang Indonesia, sok-sokan aja berbahasa Inggris. Hihihi... and I'm the huge fans of him since he played a role as Min Woo on 'Beautiful Sunday' (2007). Karena sedikit sekali info tentang NGM Oppa terutama yang berbahasa Indonesia, gue berinisiatif membuat blog ini. Ya, setidaknya untuk membagi informasi tentang NGM Oppa kepada Gung Minners (Sebenarnya ini sebutan dadakan, karena gue belum menemukan referensi sebutan untuk fans NGM Oppa. Ndeso! Hihihi...). Mungkin ada yang tahu sebutan fans Oppa di Korea, share yaa... 

Sebenarnya di awal, gue hanya ingin sharing segala hal tentang NGM Oppa, makanya gue buat akun twitter atas nama @NamGoongMinIND  @NamGoongMinID dan Nam Goong Min (남궁민/Nam Gung Min) Fanbase di FB (Follow and like yaa? Hihihihi...).Tetapi, rasanya, harus buat blog untuk lebih mempopulerkan NGM Oppa pada para fans K-drama/K-Movie di Indonesia. Wekekekekekek... Humm, I think I need a lot of friends who loves NGM Oppa as much as I do to share info, pic, news or anything about NGM Oppa.You can sent your review about NGM Oppa's K-drama or K-movie. Or his pic and his latest news to or And I will share it in this blog. It's a pleasure for us to show our love for NGM Oppa. Kamsahamnida, chingu... ^^

Source: tumblr